You really ought to give Iowa a Try!

Watson & Dodson

July 13, 2024 • Iowa City, IA

You really ought to give Iowa a Try!

Watson & Dodson

July 13, 2024 • Iowa City, IA

Wedding Party

The People!

Flower Ladies

The Brady Girls

Andi Brady
Andi Brady - Flower Lady
Down hill skier and clogger!
Mila Brady
Mila Brady - Flower Lady
Ski hill bomber and clogger

Bridal Party

How much time do you have?

Carly Watson
Carly Watson - SISTER
Who else can one laugh till you cry with just by making eye contact? Life long best friend and twin! Also, designer of the snazzy invitations you received. Want to check out more? See her great work at Open Water Studio!
Kerianne Trautmann
Kerianne Trautmann - BFF
Best friendship set up made in 3rd grade. The strong foundation allowed them to stay friends even after Kate spilled a gallon of water on her while fast asleep inside a cold tent on Ker's first time camping in Colorado. She knows where the bodies are buried.
Glenn Watson
Glenn Watson - Backpacking Pal
Katie's backpacking ride or die, always down for an adventure or some silliness, avid downhill skier, mountain biker, and Colorado outdoorsmen! Brady's bestie.
Tim Kerr
Tim Kerr - Brotha Tim
National Park explorer, sports lover, and third sibling to Katie and Carly. Brotha Tim is always a good time, lover of Brady and Buster and huge Mets fan!
Jeanine Dodson
Jeanine Dodson - Newest Sister!
Katie's very excited to be gaining Jeanine as a sister in law. She is partner to David Dodson and brightens up all Dodson gatherings with her creative visions and bright smile. She also handled the time Brady rolled in sh*** really well and we were all stuck in the car. Kate is sorry, Brady is not.
Julia Tait Holmes
Julia Tait Holmes - Honorary Sister
Katie's friend since 2nd grade and Carly's long time roommate! Amazing taste in food, travel, music, and friends as she likes both Watson girls! Prone to bouts of silliness and wonderful laughter. She too knows where the bodies are buried.
Christian Compton
Christian Compton - Grandma's Favorite
Fellow bando, world traveler, all around good time. One time he dragged Katie to a secret society. Be warned, he is not a fan of jelly fish. He probably buried the bodies.
Dr. Elizabeth Peterson
Dr. Elizabeth Peterson - Dissertation Survival Companion
She likes math. No one knows why. Aside from that, she's pretty great and always down to try new things, very talented shopper. She even got Kate to do a face mask once. Nevertheless, she makes very long titles for her work. Her dissertation is titled... " [op ran out of space]
Sarah Long
Sarah Long - Teacher Team
Kate's favorite social studies teacher friend and bingo queen.
Loraine Crawford
Loraine Crawford - Defender of Love
Kate taught her eldest ( she has 6) and he was pretty great, then met his mom and dad! Fast friends, deep lovers of Appalachia hikes and post hike breweries, and advocate for anyone in need.
Hannah Brady
Hannah Brady - Wonder Woman
Mike knew her first, wonderful partner to Chris Brady and the Flower Ladies. Kate got jealous by this amazingness and poached her as a friend. She loves cruises and has a gifted green thumb. Even her plastic plants agree!
Christie Lower
Christie Lower - Horn Gal
SPARTAN MELLO, horn gal, college bestie, and all around wild thang! She radiates love and fun and has always had Kate's back!

Grooms Men

Levi Harrington
Levi Harrington - Groomsmen
Heterosexual life partner.
Paul Clark
Paul Clark - Groomsmen
That friend we all have.
JP Culp
JP Culp - Groomsmen
David Dodson
David Dodson - Groomsmen
David, brother from the same mother.
Chris Brady
Chris Brady - Groomsmen
Want to see Mike laugh? Put him in front of Chris.
Shawn Cioffi
Shawn Cioffi - Groomsmen
Brother cheese